At Peace House living as a COMMUNITY means intentionally defying and dismantling the rugged individualism and isolation of the dominant culture in America. It means actively pursuing mutual long-term committed relationships with other people.  In an intentional residential community we learn (and model for others) how to communicate honestly with each other as we develop bonds that go deeper than our masks of composure.

We develop a significant, shared commitment to rejoice together, to grieve together, to delight in each other, and to make each other’s condition our own.  And, seeking to overcome our selfishness, we strive to share all of our collective financial resources and personal possessions with each other and with the poor.

Because we believe that it is God who has called us into community we covenant to share in our life together the faith and love (agape) of Christ, the communion (koinonia) of the Holy Spirit, the hope of God’s kin’dom, and mutual accountability for living daily as Jesus teaches us.

Our Commitment to Community does not end with our own four walls.

Through our membership and affiliation with other churches, labor unions, and non-profits we strive to connect our values and lend our support to strengthening the wider Portland community.